Common Application Form-FREMAA | 863.45 KB |  |
Result Declaration for the contractual posts of Social Development Officer in EAP Wing, Water Resources Department | 130.7 KB |  |
Application for the various positions in the Assam Agroforestry Development Board (AADB) for the ADB aided project CRBIFRERMP | 904.56 KB |  |
Result Declaration for the post of Field Supervisor in FREMAA. | 129.04 KB |  |
Application for the various position in the Hydro Informatics Unit (HIU) for the world bank aided project AIRBMP | 739.81 KB |  |
Advertisement for the post of Field Supervisor-06 (Six) and Social Development Officer-01 (One) | 485.48 KB |  |
Advertisement for the post of Field Supervisor | 203.97 KB |  |
Result Declaration for the post of Technical Officer-Real Time Data Acquisition System (RTDAS), under HIU, WRD | 165.35 KB |  |
Result Declaration for the post of Officer on Special Duty in FREMAA | 147.76 KB |  |
Advertisement for the post of Officer on Special Duty | 490.06 KB |  |
Walk in interviews for the post of Technical Officer-Real Time-Data-Acquisition System (RTDAS) under Hydro Informatic Unit (HIU) | 764.5 KB |  |
Result Declaration for the post of Livelihood Specialist in FREMAA. | 167.6 KB |  |
Result Declaration for the post of AFO and Accounts Assistant, EAP Wing, WRD. | 179.09 KB |  |
Advertisement for the post of Livelihood Specialist under FREMAA | 1.01 MB |  |
Result Declaration of Finance Officer for AADB | 229.06 KB |  |
Result Declaration of Accounts Assistant for AADB | 225.56 KB |  |
Result Declaration of HR Executive for AADB | 228.42 KB |  |
Advertisement for the post of Assistant Finance Officer and Accounts Assistant to be placed in EAP wing, WRD | 1.77 MB |  |
Walk in interviews for the post of Finance Officer, Accounts Assistant and HR Executive | 1.27 MB |  |
Result Declaration for the contractual post of Accounts Assistant, under EAP Wing, WRD | 195.9 KB |  |
Result Declaration for the Contractual Post of Environmental Officer under EAP Wing WRD | 204.17 KB |  |
Result Declaration for the Field Supervisor One (01) No to place under different Water Resources Divisions | 254.51 KB |  |
Recruitment Notice for Field Supervisor One (01) No to place under different Water Resources Divisions across the State of Assam | 1.76 MB |  |
Advertisement for the post of Environmental Officer (01) One post & Accounts Assistant (02) two post in the EAP Wing WRD. | 979.58 KB |  |
Result Declaration for the contractual post of Scientific/Technical Officer (Remote Sensing & GIS) HIU-WRD | 103.95 KB |  |
Request for Expression of Interest (REOI) for Hiring Individual Consultants under FREMAA | 1.88 MB |  |
Notice of Cancellation of Advertrisement for the post of Deputy Chief Executive Officer (Works) | 3.15 MB |  |
Notice of Extension of last Date of Submission of Applications for the post of Deputy Chief Executive Officer (Works) | 14.48 KB |  |
Request for Expression of Interest (REOI) for Deputy Chief Executive Officer (Works) | 1.74 MB |  |
Result Declaration for the contractual post of HR Executive in FREMAA | 575.45 KB |  |
Result Declaration for the contractual post of Deputy Finance Officer in FREMAA | 651.28 KB |  |
Result Declaration for the contractual post of Procurement Associate in FREMAA | 636.17 KB |  |
Result Declaration for the contractual post of Finance Management Specialist in FREMAA | 599.1 KB |  |
Result Declaration for the contractual post of Assistant Finance Officer in FREMAA | 594.28 KB |  |
Detailed Advertisement for the post of HR Executive | 2.07 MB |  |
Detailed Advertisement for Scientific/Technical Officers (Remote Sensing & GIS) at the Hydro-Informatics Unit of WRD | 802.84 KB |  |
Detailed Advertisement for Financial Management Specialist(one); Deputy Finance Office (One); Assistant Finance Officer (One) | 2.48 MB |  |
Advertisement for Procurement Associate | 1.11 MB |  |
Result Declaration for the contractual post of Communication Specialist under FREMAA | 623.09 KB |  |
Result Declaration for the contractual post of Accounts Assistant under FREMAA | 615.27 KB |  |
Result Declaration for the contractual posts of the six(06) positions to be placed under Hydro-Informatics Unit of WRD | 1.54 MB |  |
Notice of Extension of Last Date for Submission of Applications for the post of Financial Management Specialist in FREMAA | 291.8 KB |  |
Recruitment Notice of Finance Management Specialist | 1.61 MB |  |
Recruitment Notification for Communication Specialist | 524.75 KB |  |
Extension of Last Date for Submission of Application for the various position in the Hydro Informatics Unit (HIU) | 339.59 KB |  |
Recruitment Notification for the post of Accounts Assistant and Junior Office Assistant | 413.66 KB |  |
Application for the various position in the Hydro Informatics Unit (HIU) for the world bank aided project AIRBMP | 1.32 MB |  |
Recruitment Notification for the post of Office Assistant | 270.9 KB |  |
Recruitment notice for Project Management Specialist | 551.7 KB |  |
Recruitment Notice cum TORs for 5 positions/PIU WRD/ Advt. No. Janasanjog/DP/139922/27092022 | 1.08 MB |  |
Requirement Notice for Field Supervisor | 792.37 KB |  |
Requirement Notice for Administrative Officer | 776.22 KB |  |
Terms of References for Procurement Associate | 354.16 KB |  |
Corrigendum and revised Terms of Reference for The Post of Finance Management Specialist (FMS) | 1.32 MB |  |
Terms of Reference for The Post of Finance Management Specialist (FMS) | 312.64 KB |  |
Cancellation notice for various positions on contractual basis under the AIRBM project | 670.27 KB |  |
Corrigemdum for the post of EO-NT | 1.2 MB |  |
Revised Notification for the post of Executive Officer (Non Tech) and format for Bio Data. | 2.73 MB |  |
Selection for the post of Procurement Specialist under AIRBMP | 407.49 KB |  |
Notice: Interview for the post of Procurement Specialist under AIRBMP | 729.17 KB |  |
Notification for ineligible candidates applied against the vacancies on contractual basis under Assam Integrated River Basin Man | 722.28 KB |  |
Terms of Reference (ToR), Qualification & Experience for engagement under various positions on contractual basis under the Assam | 523.61 KB |  |
Advertisement for Various Posts | 998.16 KB |  |